Stills from Leafy Thing

December 16th, 2014

Some stills from my short Leafy Thing, reassembled as static compositions:






Streaky Thing

October 1st, 2014

Here’s a new thing called Streaky Thing that’s meant more as a video installation than as a short piece, but it can be viewed in either context. It’s three looping pieces from left to right, where the loops are identical with a staggered time offset.

The images are derived from pixel-sorted video footage that I shot. I created the audio by sampling the average per-frame luminance of the image into sound, and then further processing and editing that output.


Some New Short Videos

December 3rd, 2013

I finished a couple of new abstract shorts derived from still photography, first is Leafy Thing:

And the next one is silent and called Dark Thing:

Loop Thing

January 25th, 2012

Just finished a new abstract short called Loopy Thing 6553. Here it is on Vimeo:


June 13th, 2010

Multiphasic is a new DVD compilation album by electronic music duo Polyphasic that I contributed a couple of videos to. It features a mix of experimental and animated films by sixteen filmmakers from all over the world. The DVD is now available to purchase from the Magnanimous Records website.

And as you can see from the flyer above there will be a screening of the whole thing next week in Portland, OR…

Multiphasic DVD screening
Monday June 21, 8pm
The Someday Lounge
125 NW 5th Ave. (at corner of Couch) Portland, OR

Here’s a preview trailer. It’s trippy!